Already Implemented Suggestion

6/14/2010 6:07 AM
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***********Implemented Suggestions*************

2)Safety time or a better recruited start-up village to encourage new players.

3)Messages - when sent to multiple recipients, recommended having those people who it is sent to, appear as CC's on the message. Adopt a basic CC or BCC mail system?

4) Clan Forums - it lights up blue but it is not clear what has been updated (profile? Members? Forums? Etc).

14) As part of a quick patch, forum post now recognizes new line and tab. we are working on a more elegant solution still. BUT note that forum post accept HTML!

15) Allow deleting or editing one’s own forum posting because once you have posted a thread and then see a mistake it becomes difficult to rectify in the current scenario. You have to write another post to edit your own prior mistake.

Completed Sep 30 2009

11) It might be nice to show the # of tiles to be crossed when you have selected "Attack village”. It would help to know before deciding how many and which troops to send, if it were clear what the distance is.


Completed July 11, 2008

7) In the Rankings screen where you can see how your village compares to others it would be nice to see clans. Making it easier to see how your enemies stand, who they are, etc.

9) Preload the roll-over icons. Initially on loading the game when we go over the icons they disappear for 1 sec until the rollover image loads.

29) A link directly to ideas and suggestions from village overview.

Completed July 29, 2008

6) When you are recruiting troops it would be nice if it is listed how many troops you currently have on the troop’s recruitment page.

Completed August 12, 2008

25) Supporting troops to be controlled just like attacking troops. Selective “recall” or “send back” of supporting troops would be a better approach.

42) Summary of troops on one page only.

43) Name of player in the forum postings to be a link.

65) Head Quarter Screen to show the time when you can upgrade further.
>> Click on the Summary of Units/ Buildings to view current status of your Village/ Villages.

Completed on Oct. 20th, 2008.
55) Making Clan roles visible to all.

67) A warning to be displayed if you are about to attack ally or any member from Nap.

69) Color of flags for Allies on the map could be changed to a more visible color.

88 b) Just a box or something to type in the coordinates and away you go to the far side of the map.

93) Have a warning come at the bottom when someone commands their army to attack allies/NAP village (the same type that warns you if you are attacking you own village/governor without support).

117) Player when loses his last village should by default not be allotted a new village. This way at least the inactive players will be out of the game. If the player loses his last village he will have to login again in the game.

129) Get more link to pop up only when the treasury has silver above a certain level. At times you just transport silver from a village emptying out it's treasury while actually you were saving so as to recruit troops there.

From the Suggestions for the New Realm
34) May be a "WARNING, You can not edit or change your player name after you enter it... Choose wisely" would be nice.

Completed on Nov. 19th, 2008.

****From Suggestions for the New Realm****

7) Have a last activity timer for players visible only to owners/ admins.

13) The map to show where facebook friend’s villages are.

30) Make clan forums sticky. Important forum postings to stay at the top, though old.

38) One-member clans could be dissolved when the village was conquered.

47) In the building descriptions, there is a Food column, and it has numbers such as 1/10, 2/12, 2/14, 3/17 etc. Please provide a tool tip describing what the first and second number mean.

63) Show in the clan members list who is currently online, or had accessed the app.( for owners and admins )

64) Newly added posts in a thread to be displayed at the top.

72) Have a view of the entire world.

77) Clan admin be able to message the whole clan by clicking on a mass messaging button.

95) One click transfer of silver from multiple villages to the required village.

100) upgrading a building by 10 levels in one move instead of 10 separate clicks, page reloads.

112) Report of silver transportation to the sender also.


****From Suggestions and Ideas****

37) Adding an "upgrade my troops" option. Pay extra coin to convert the troops up a level.

94) Allow the Forum Admin to sort forum section themselves. Arrows on the side to move them up and down. 



Completed on 27th February : 


Suggestions and Ideas:


5) Clock in game could be set to each person's time zone.


18) In the mail and reports section, the "Select | Delete | Forward" etc are only at the bottom of the screen. You have to always scroll to the bottom in order to reply etc. It would be nice to have them at the top of the screen too.


***Suggestions for the 3rd Realm*** 


10)  Have the 'from / to' row clickable so it sorts that the columns alphabetically. Click on 'From' and you get all attacks from vill 'a' followed by all attacks from vill 'b' etc to see what's going from each village easily!


11)  It would be very helpful if there was a place to check the date/day as well along with the time. 

96) Set a time limit, expiration date for Clan invitations.

9) Functions to "read next report" and "read previous report" whilst reading a report.

33) Invitations to expire by default after some days have elapsed.


From " Suggestions for New Realm " 


32) Having a tag on the village overview page, to be viewed only by the player. 


54) Moving the village drop down or the get me silver drop down.


93) Categorizing mail into folders such as Internal Clan mails, Diplomacy mails, Village dispute mails etc.


 23) Give an incentive to a player who goes through the tutorial. Something like an upgraded silver mine or a few troops.

105) A button for "buy as many treasure chests as I can in every city that I have a palace in"


********* From Suggestions after the Updates ********* 

 1)      Incoming / Outgoing to be on 1 page only.


2)      Incoming/Outgoing All to be shown by default. Saves a click.


3)      The mail page after sending to be defaulted to the mail itself and not the blank page.



COMPLETED ON 8th May 09.


From ****Some more Suggestions****

43) A choice to change ingame name on respawning. (after being inactive for more than 21 days)


From *****Suggestions and ideas*****

98) Vacation Mode & Sitter Mode options


From *****Suggestions for the New Realm***** 


66) A single click button that gets the maximum amount of chests in ALL villages that have a palace. This would save going through all villages one by one


70) Setting a time limit for inactive villages. They could then be put in a clan " inactive".


72) Reports received after the village where your troops were supporting is attacked do not specify the co-ordinates of the village which was attacked. It would be good to have it in the reports.




From ***** Some More Suggestions *****


4) Support attacked reports and supporting reports to have a link to the villages specified in the reports .


11) Under troop recruitments it would be good to see how many governors are in that particular village so that when you are running low on food , you do not over build troops.


30) Make it so that when a player hasn't logged into his account for 15 straight days, he ceases to be affiliated to any clans.



From ****** Suggestions for the 3rd Realm ******


2) Inactives to be dropped after a certain day thing too.


26) An inactive village after a certain period to be automatically put in an “Inactive Clan”. In actives not to respawn after a take over.


56) Suggestions for Vacation Mode :



 ******Suggestions after the updates********

2)Ability to transfer servants.


Completed on 30th Sept.09 

**********************Pending Suggestions and Ideas**********************


 127) In the Troops Command window, have it so that you can have a favorites for the village coordinates so for those that are being used regularly don't have to be retyped all the time.

Completed on 13th March,2010

76) Format messages on the Clan's Profile page and in the Internal Messaging system using <b> & <I> etc.

20) Able to see the summaries with the as-queued numbers instead of just the current numbers.

109) Co-ordinates posted on the Forum to automatically be links to the Village overview. [will be done via bb-codes]

53) A special mass recruitment page where one could recruit troops of all it's villages.

69) In Reply to all , own name should be excluded.

- Mass build across villages (could be bundled with unlimited Q)

-Field where player can type the level of buildings they want 

-Then check the villages you would like to get this done.

      - Permissible upgrades are queued in the villages where requirements are fulfilled.

Eg: Set the fields to be upgraded as : Silver mines level 20 , Treasury level 15, Stable level 5, Walls level 5

Check the boxes of Village A, B, C

Village A had silver and farmspace and other requirements fulfilled so the upgrades were queued according to the requirement

Village B had silver but less farm space, so only the Silver mine to level 15 was queued.

Village C had very less silver so nothing was queued.


Mass recruitment across villages :

-Field where player can type the troops to be recruited

Then check the villages you would like to get this done.

a. - Either drop down list for selection which villages to apply to, or field with parameters like (Apply in villages with 0 knights) and include operators (Apply in villages with 0 knights OR more than 18K farmland)

-Permissible recruitment are queued in the villages where requirements are fulfilled.

Updated on 14th June,2010

74) Add the clan size ( points displayed ) after the clan name when you hold your cursor over a village on the map.

122) Bonuses to be given to war status. ( Attack points / Defense points displayed )

79) Allow downgrading of buildings. Pay and down grade level of buildings.

109) Co-ordinates posted on the Forum to automatically be links to the Village overview. [ done via bb-codes]

25)[ done via bb codes ] Suggestion to copy/paste code all the tables that appear in the game. It'd be much simpler for sharing things like incoming/outgoing attacks, transports etc. if it could just copy/paste a code that would reproduce the table when it is pasted in a letter/forum post.

52) Ranking Page to include Opponents defeated Column.
The opponents defeated could be displayed in the form of warpoints.

57) To have an attack score besides points for villages.

53) A special mass recruitment page where one could recruit troops of all it's villages.

59) By Bjorn: Clan forums and mails to have delete tab and the page numbers at the top of the list as well as at the bottom.

also suggested  by :

69) In Reply to all , own name should be excluded.

8) Units stats according to attacks launched to be shown to player only or as a part of ranking. Offensive Ranking / Defensive Ranking.

32) For the battle simulator add an option so that you can take the remaining defending troops and with a click of a button put the numbers into the defending troops so you can enter a new attacking army.

or probably could be worded as: By Bjorn
32)" A feature to export the defending troops displayed in a spy report with a click of a button putting the numbers into the defending troops of the battle simulator so you can enter a new attacking army."


IE for villages that you need to hit with multiple waves this will make battle sims run faster.

38) 1) Close R1
2) Players can enter as spectator mode and along with there name there rank in the realm to be displayed.
3) Top players to be rewarded.

61) Attack column of Battle simulator to be filled by default with one’s own troops from the village you are currently selected in.

85) Show on the map *a symbol* on the village where troops are being sent.